
While Real Madrid made 155M euros in merch sales, this is what FC Barcelona made

Real Madrid made more money than most clubs in jersey and merchandise sales but not more than FC Barcelona.

By Emmanuel Mendez

20/02/2024, 04:01 PM

Real Madrid made a lot of money from merchandise but not as much as FC Barcelona.

Real Madrid and FC Barcelona are not spending lots of money like Premier League clubs nowadays, but they still make more than them in terms of jersey and merchandising sales. Both Real Madrid and FC Barcelona are still two of the most popular football teams in the world. Their influence in the game is above any other club, and their popularity continues despite the Premier League dominating the scene with more viewership, and its competitiveness.

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In a top 10 list from Transfermarkt, FC Barcelona and Real Madrid are ahead of most European clubs in merch sales. In 10th is Tottenham, earning 74 million euros from jersey and merchandise sales. 9th place goes for Juventus, who also earned 74 million euros from jersey and merchandise sales. Chelsea are 8th, earning around 87 million euros.

Above Chelsea is Arsenal, who earned around 89 million euros. PSG ranks 6th in the list, earning 97 million euros. Most of these could be thanks to Kylian Mbappé's shirt sales. The top five clubs that earned the most jersey and merch sales are above the 100 million euro mark.

Manchester United is 5th on the list, earning around 130 million euros. Just above them in 4th is Liverpool, the English club that earns the most in the UK from shirt and merch sales at around 132 million euros. Bayern Munich is the highest earner in Germany, with around 147 million euros from sales.

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Despite being in a worse economic state, FC Barcelona earns more shirt and merchandise sales than Real Madrid

Real Madrid is second on the list, earning around 155 million euros from jersey and merchandise sales. These numbers could spike higher if Mbappé joins this summer to Real Madrid. FC Barcelona is in first place, earning around 179 million euros from sales. Barcelona hopes to sign more star signings to keep the number high and generate money to eliminate debt.


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