
Lionel Messi's new Adidas soccer cleats, see how they are and how much they cost

Lionel Messi just announced some new exciting project with Adidas.

By Wilian Estrella

Lionel Messi just announced some new exciting project with Adidas.
Lionel Messi just announced some new exciting project with Adidas.
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Lionel Messi led Inter Miami, that ranks last in the MLS Eastern Conference, to the final stage of the tournament with nine goals in six games and will now look to complete the feat this Saturday in Tennessee. If he wins, he will give the club the first title in history and will also become the most successful footballer of all time.

However, apart from the preparation of what will be the most important game for Las Garzas since its founding, the top winner of the Ballon d'Or (7) used social networks to make an announcement: the official launch of his new boots, Adidas X CRAZY FAST 'INFINITE MESSI'.


The man from Rosario had already been seen wearing this new model in recent training sessions and even debuted it with a 32-meter goal in the semifinals against the Philadelphia Union in Pennsylvania. However, just this Thursday, August 17, he formally presented the new design that is made up of a mixture of three colors: silver, light blue and black. "Some things never change," Leo wrote in the Instagram post that has already exceeded 2 million likes.

How much do Lionel Messi's new boots cost?

Although they are not yet listed in the Adidas store, the Footy Headlines portal has already announced that they will cost around 270 dollars. 

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