
Ronaldinho, Cafú, Adriano and more: the 10 soccer stars who were millionaires and went bankrupt

There is a complete list of soccer players who once had a fortune, but wasted it and ended in bankrupt.

By Fredi Roman

There is a complete list of soccer players who once had a fortune, but wasted it and ended in bankrupt.
There is a complete list of soccer players who once had a fortune, but wasted it and ended in bankrupt.

There had been many soccer players during their professional careers that gained fortunes and then wasted it in luxuries, parties and other unnecessary vices. The millions earned and the fame are not a very good combination for many of them, who are not able to manage these two things and spoil everything.

One of the most emblematic case of this is the one of the Brazilian legend Cafú. Doing bad investments was the reason that took him to lose a lot of money that he had gained during his time as a player. A similar thing happened to Ronaldinho, who could luckily recover on time and is now going through a revival.

Another case is the one of George Best, who was an idol that experienced several problems with drugs and wasted his money on that. Christian Vieri, the Italian striker who had problems with poker and betting, also went through a financial crisis after spending a lot of money gambling.

To complete the top 10 list, we can mention other important cases in the world, as the ones of Salvador Cabañas, Iván Zamorano, Paul Gascoigne, Jean Marc Bosman, Andreas Brehme and Adriano. All of them gained a lot of money as soccer stars, but then didn’t take the most intelligent decisions and lost a lot as well at the point many went bankrupt.

Fredi Roman

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