
What is Endrick's connection with Bobby Charlton? The reason why they compare them

In recent games it has been seen that they make a comparison of Endrick with Bobby Charlton, look at the reason

By Diego Mendoza

Endrick. PHOTO: Real Madrid
Endrick. PHOTO: Real Madrid

What seemed like a joke became a trend, on social networks they say that Endrick is the reincarnation of Bobby Charlton, one of the greatest players that England has ever had. The reason is that in an interview the Brazilian confessed that Charlton was among his 5 favorite soccer players of all time, which generated laughter among all Internet users.

Another reason why they call Endrick Bobby, is because in a live broadcast his partner, the German Rudiger, shouted Bobby on camera. As a result of this, the comparisons around the Real Madrid jewel have not been long in coming and for many it is not Endrick, but Bobby Charlton who plays and that is why he does so well when he enters the field. Despite the fact that he is only 18 years old, the former Palmeiras already gives a lot to talk about and Madrid fans are happy with his performance.

Many think that it is only a matter of Spain, because in this country is where Endrick is most related to Bobby, however, it is not so, on the last FIFA date for South American qualifiers, the fans in the match between Brazil against Ecuador, began to sing Bobby to Endrick, to everyone's surprise because this is a nickname that came to stay and the Brazilian does not dislike being compared to his greatest idol.

There are people who don't take it easy and criticized Endrick because they say he has no idea who Bobby Charlton is, presenter Craque Neto said: "He (Endrick) doesn't know anything about soccer. Then he wants to make jokes mentioning Bobby Charlton. He doesn't even know who Bobby or Charlton is; he thinks it's a brand of cigarettes. Do you try to show off? He's just a little coach-player," Neto revealed.

Who was Bobby Charlton?

The Footboom portal reviewed the ten in question and mentioned what the English player meant: "Bobby Charlton was one of the greatest players in the history of England. He played as an offensive midfielder and became a key idol in the . Bobby is one of the survivors of the plane crash that cost the lives of eight Red Devils players," revealed the aforementioned portal.

Diego Mendoza

Diego Mendoza

Licenciado en Comunicación Social con mención en periodismo por la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Apasionado al fútbol ecuatoriano y parte de El Futbolero desde 2020. No tengo problema en decir la verdad, no vivo de los equipos ni de los jugadores. Trato de representar el sentir del hincha en mis notas.

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