
The one who had the best season between Vinicius and Ronaldinho, they say that Vini has already won the golden ball

Vinicius has already received the notification that he will win the ball. Did he make a better campaign than Ronaldinho?

By Diego Mendoza

Vinicius JR and Ronaldinho. PHOTO: Footriders
Vinicius JR and Ronaldinho. PHOTO: Footriders

From Europe they reveal that Vinicius Junior has already received the notification that he will win the golden ball. Many say that he did not do enough to win it, however, his path to this trophy was better than Ronaldinho's, that is, Vini's campaign was better, the discussion is because no one opposed Dinho winning the golden ball, while Vini has many detractors.

Reviewing how the campaigns of both players went in the 2004-2005 season Ronaldinho scored 13 goals, gave 16 assists and won a title; for his part Vinicius Junior scored 26 goals, gave 12 assists and won 4 titles. Analyzing, Ronaldinho only beats him in assists, but the difference between goals and trophies is abysmal. More than deserved the golden ball for the Real Madrid player.

Vinicius knows that to win the golden ball, there is a whole process behind: "It's very complicated. There's a whole process behind it. I believe in people who are with me every day and tell me. They tell me that I'm the best and I end up believing it. I don't know what's going to happen. I want to stay here and make history like Carvajal, Kroos or Nacho," the Brazilian player revealed to CNN.

Now, the problem in Vinicius Junior lies in all the controversy that has existed around him due to his fight against racism. The Brazilian has on several occasions stated that he feels that it is still necessary to move forward as a society and even in a press conference he went to tears for the discrimination he has suffered. His most recent controversy was when he said that Spain should not host the 2030 World Cup because they must evolve.

Ronaldinho's controversial words to Vinicius' National Team

On the last FIFA date Ronaldinho left a strong word that included the players of Brazil, including Vinicius Jr: "Everything is missing: claw, joy... He needs to play well, so I'm not going to watch any game. I'm going to leave Brazil," the Brazilian player revealed, this generated controversy and different reactions among the Brazilian players. However, then Ronaldinho confessed that he was part of an advertising campaign and that it was not what he thought.

Diego Mendoza

Diego Mendoza

Licenciado en Comunicación Social con mención en periodismo por la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Apasionado al fútbol ecuatoriano y parte de El Futbolero desde 2020. No tengo problema en decir la verdad, no vivo de los equipos ni de los jugadores. Trato de representar el sentir del hincha en mis notas.

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