Dani Alves, the former Barcelona and Brazil national team player, has spent more than a year in custody after he was accused of allegedly sexually abusing a woman in December 2022. The events allegedly occurred in a nightclub in Barcelona and now, the trial has already begun to determine his guilt.
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The trial against the former Brazilian player will last three days, in which the judge in the case and the jury will hear witness statements to determine whether Alves actually committed the acts of which he is accused. In that sense, some of the statements that witnesses have made have been leaked, but has highlighted that of his wife, Joana Sanz.
And is that, apparently, the wife of Dani Alves is following the strategy of the defense of the former soccer player, as she has assured that that night, the Brazilian came home "very drunk". "He comes home very drunk, smelling of alcohol. He crashed into the closet and collapsed on the bed," Sanz assured the judge, as she was the last to testify on the second day of the trial.
"In the WhatsApps I asked her if she was coming to dinner and she said no. Later, I don't remember. The last WhatsApp was at about eleven o'clock at night (...) I have not legally filed for divorce," also assured the still wife of Dani Alves, detailing that she is still married to the former Barça player, although it had been rumored that she had filed for divorce a few months ago.
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There is still one day of trial left in the Dani Alves case, after which his fate will be known. In case he is found guilty of what he is accused of, the prosecution would be asking for a sentence of 9 years in prison, while the family of the alleged victim would like to increase it to 12 years.