Major League Soccer

After the historic lose, why Matias Almeyda charged at the San Jose Earthquakes players

Seattle Sounders battered San Jose Earthquakes in a historic 7-1 result. And Matias Almeyda, Quakes' head coach, didn't save any word about his thoughts.

By Mauricio Saenz

Seattle Sounders battered San Jose Earthquakes in a historic 7-1 result. And Matias Almeyda, Quakes' head coach, didn't save any word about his thoughts.
Seattle Sounders battered San Jose Earthquakes in a historic 7-1 result. And Matias Almeyda, Quakes' head coach, didn't save any word about his thoughts.
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Last night, an historic event was present in the Major League Soccer. San José Earthquakes was battered by Seattle Sounders FC with an incredible result of 7-1. The game left many things to analyze, but specially the great hierarchic difference between probably the best team in the league today and one of the worst. Matías Almeyda, Quakes' head coach, once again gave his explanations and no one was saved.

"We played like a last-place team and Seattle played like the last champions, " said the Argentinean. And added: "“When the interpretation [of the game plan] is good and we do what we plan, we’re competitive,” And also he explained: “But when we’re far away, especially against a team like this [Seattle] with preset schemes [movements] and you mark at three meters away and not half a meter like we planned. When you have the ball and instead of giving it to a teammate you give it to the opponent, it’s difficult.”

Almeyda definetely charged into the humiliating performances that his players are having. And Chris Wondolowkski, team's captain, support what the coach said. "“When you play unselfish, some special things happen. When it doesn’t, it’s a fine line between the haves and have-nots, especially in this league. Right now we’re getting punished, and rightfully so, and it’s not good enough all across the board", he finished.


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