Liga MX News

Chivas enrolls Paolo Yrizar in the first team

The player will be looking to earn a spot in the forward line.  

By Hector Garcia

The player will be looking to earn a spot in the forward line.

The player will be looking to earn a spot in the forward line.  

The Chivas board of directors decided to register the club's new striker Paolo Yrizar to the Liga MX as part of the rojiblancos first team, and he was registered with the number 31 for the Clausura 2022 tournament, which will kick off on Thursday night.

Yrizar, who arrived in the current winter market to the Rebaño Sagrado, played in the last soccer campaign with Dorados de Sinaloa, a club in which the striker scored six goals and is liked by Marcelo Michel Leaño.

Yrizar and José Raúl were enrolled to the senior squad

Besides Yrizar, another new addition to the first team roster is the third goalkeeper, José Raúl Rangel. Tala', a homegrown player of the club, was promoted to the first team from the preseason phase and, with the departure of José Antonio Rodríguez to Querétaro, he was given the opportunity to join the first team.

According to sources inside the club, the reason Chivas decided to register the Queretaro striker in the first team was strictly due to regulatory and administrative issues with Liga MX and the FMF. 

Yrizar has the option to play for Chivas or Tapatío

As Yrizar is category 97, he can have a single card and thus be available to play for Chivas, or any other of the categories that allow him this distinction. Thus, in the next 2022-2023 season, he will no longer be able to count on this unique card, which will be reduced for players born up to January 1, 1998, although if he does not earn a place at Chivas, he will still be registered as Tapatío in Expansión MX.

In other words, the reason why Yrizar was registered with Chivas and not with Tapatío is a simple and straightforward regulatory reason, in which Chivas knew how to play its cards with the registrations.

Yrizar will compete for a place in the first team, and if he does not have opportunities at Chivas, he will move down to Tapatío to join Ricardo Cadena's team in the second division of Mexican soccer.

Raul Rangel's card also allows him to play in other categories

Goalkeeper Raúl Rangel will be in a different situation. The goalkeeper born in Ciudad Guzmán was promoted and has been training under Marcelo Michel's orders in the first team since the preseason, and was registered with the first team as the third goalkeeper, but also to take advantage of the unique card that allows him to play in all categories.

Due to regulatory issues, if the 'Tala' had been again registered in Expansion MX and did not have sufficient requirements, it would not have the endorsement to participate in the final phase of lower categories, if necessary.


Hector Garcia

Hector Garcia

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