Liga MX News

Amaury asks for $60 million for Chivas and Ayub's decision on buying the Rebaño

Arturo Elías Ayub would be one of the interested parties in buying Chivas, Amaury Vergara asks for 1.2 billion pesos.

By Hector Garcia

Arturo Elías Ayub would be one of the interested parties in buying Chivas, Amaury Vergara asks for 1.2 billion pesos.
Arturo Elías Ayub would be one of the interested parties in buying Chivas, Amaury Vergara asks for 1.2 billion pesos.

Chivas' situation is a dilemma. The owner of the Guadalajara team, Amaury Vergara, is aware that if he were to sell the team, he would have to ask for a significant amount of money and after its sports crisis, the club could have been devalued. However, this is not the case and after the recent naming of the Akron as the official stadium for the 2026 World Cup, the team has been revalued and now has a cost of US$60 million.

In that sense, the Mexican businessman Arturo Elías Ayub or any other interested party wants to acquire Chivas will have to pay a tremendous amount of money to the Mexican entity, all in order to take full ownership of the team.

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Through social networks, Arturo Elias Ayub ruled himself out as a buyer of Chivas after a heated exchange of words with ESPN journalist David Faitelson. The latter reportedly criticized Elias' stance for playing with foreigners in the "Rebaño Sagrado".

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The words through his social networks were clear and forceful. The businessman expressed: "I am self-discarded for many reasons, David. But I never insinuated anything of what you say (about playing with foreigners). In fact, I said the opposite," he responded to Faitelson's criticism.



Hector Garcia

Hector Garcia

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