International Players

Neymar paid tribute to Kobe Bryant again and got an emotional tattoo

The PSG forward has a weakness for tattoos and that is why Neymar paid tribute to Kobe Bryant by leaving one of his most popular phrases on his skin.

By Mauricio Saenz

The PSG forward has a weakness for tattoos and that is why Neymar paid tribute to Kobe Bryant by leaving one of his most popular phrases on his skin.
The PSG forward has a weakness for tattoos and that is why Neymar paid tribute to Kobe Bryant by leaving one of his most popular phrases on his skin.

Neymar was surprised a few days ago when he showed his new tattoos on his back about Dragon Ball and Spiderman but there was another tattoo that surprised the entire United States public. The death of Kobe Bryant hit the basketball world but also everyone who knew him and that is why Neymar paid tribute to Kobe Bryant.


At the beginning of the year, the death of Kobe Bryant surprised everyone and many famous people made him different tributes to remember him and Neymar did not want to be less. The PSG forward tattooed one of Kobe Bryant's best-known phrases and the photo of the tattoo went viral.

Neymar wrote on one of his legs: "people don't understand how obsessed im with winning." This phrase, in addition to paying tribute to Kobe Bryant, a former LA Lakers player, shows that Neymar always wants to do everything to win. Like Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi, the only thing Neymar thinks about is winning.

Mauricio Saenz

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