International Players

Dominguez would go to a big club before Austin FC

Cecilio Dominguez became the first Distinguished Player that Austin recruit for their next season. However, 2020 season is not over and the Paraguayan would move to a big team before.

By Fredi Roman

Cecilio Dominguez became the first Distinguished Player that Austin recruit for their next season. However, 2020 season is not over and the Paraguayan would move to a big team before.
Cecilio Dominguez became the first Distinguished Player that Austin recruit for their next season. However, 2020 season is not over and the Paraguayan would move to a big team before.

The transfer of Cecilio Dominguez to Austin FC became one of the trend topics of yesterday. The Paraguayan midfielder had great appareances in América de México and Cerro Porteño during his career, but his stay in Independiiente from Argentina was weak. That is the reason why the Diablos de Avellaneda would detach him. Boca Juniors would be the one who welcome him before going to the MLS.

The round trip that emerged from Dominguez exit made Independiente fans get angry with the Paraguayan player. In different moments of his career at the Avellaneda's club he was booed. And the hate increased when he decided he was a free agent after the directive comittee led by president Hugo Moyano did not pay him his debt.

In that way, Boca Juniors, which has a different economy situation wanted to take advantage and asked for his transfer fee. But, Dominguez was determined to emigrate from Argentina. Austin FC made his move and confirmed his sell, but with four months left, the new franchise may send him on loan to the Xeneize, in order the midfielder do not lose continuity.

Fredi Roman

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