International Leagues

The Ronaldinho of Chivas? He is one of the most undisciplined of the Rebaño Sagrado and what Vucetich wants to do with him

Chivas head coach, who once coached a controversial top player as Ronaldinho, is now facing a similar problem at Mexico.

By Mauricio Saenz

Chivas head coach, who once coached a controversial top player as Ronaldinho, is now facing a similar problem at Mexico.
Chivas head coach, who once coached a controversial top player as Ronaldinho, is now facing a similar problem at Mexico.

Víctor María Vucetich has a long trajectory as a head coach. He started his professional career at Leon on 1990 and continues going, after signing for Chivas on August 2020. The trainer has affronted all type of situations during his career and one of the most difficult ones was coaching Ronaldinho.

The Brazilian legend player arrived to Querétaro Mexican side when Vucetich was the coach. He said that it was very hard to manage a player like him, who had many requirements and everyone wanted. After five years, Vucetich never thought that something similar could happen to him again but it is going on.

While Chivas had a bad season on tournament Guard1anes, the head coach had to deal with all type of situations of undisciplined players, just like Alexis Vega, Dieter Villalpando, José Juan Vázquez, Alexis Peña, Eduardo López and Cristian Calderón, to mention someone’s who were in trouble recently.

The situation with Javier Eduardo López, known as La Chofis, may be the same that Vucetich experienced with Ronldinho. Both top players are very hard to manage and even though Ronaldinho is far away from López, the type of difficult they the player from Chivas is having is similar to the ones from Dinho.

Mauricio Saenz

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