
Cuauhtemoc Blanco vs Jorge Campos: the day and reason why they got beaten

The discussion that led to the blows of two great idols of the Mexican soccer was made public. 

By Fredi Roman

The discussion that led to the blows of two great idols of the Mexican soccer was made public. 
The discussion that led to the blows of two great idols of the Mexican soccer was made public. 

One of the historical defenders of the Mexican team revealed how the fight was that led to the blows to two of the great players of Mexico, Cuauhtémoc Blanco and Jorge Campos. The Mexican soccer has had great idols in its history, but there are few who have managed to generate as much impact worldwide and to drag the masses as were the striker Cuauhtémoc Blanco and the goalkeeper also striker Jorge Campos. 

Both players marked an important time in the Mexican national team not only by their great talent on the pitch but also by their great ability to win the hearts of the people. Currently it can be seen that the two have a very good relationship, however it was not always like that.

The historic central defender Claudio Suarez recounted the day that Cuauhtémoc Blanco and Jorge Campos caught each other with blows. Both began to make jokes about who was the most idol, Cuauhtémoc Blanco annoyed Jorge Campos by offering him his autograph, so Jorge Campos responded with the same joke arguing that Blanco was nothing compared with the great idol from Acapulco, after a while the pushes, strong words and blows came, the rest of the national team had to intervene in order to separate them.

This story will remain in the memory of both players and their glorious days with the national team. Currently both have a very good relationship, they have been seen in public events, so we do not have any doubt that over time, many stories like this will continue to come to light.

Fredi Roman

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